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Acupuncture points for Eyes

One of the most intricate parts of your body is the eyes, and often one takes them for granted. We strain our eyes on a daily basis by working on our computers; the changing world requires us to do so. However, did you know that with the help of Acupuncture & Acupressure treatments one can help their eyes from feeling strained and start taking care of eyes health and eyesight?

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), all diseases involving the eye are closely related to the liver. It is also understood that the eye is nourished by all of the internal organs in the body. The lens of the eye and the pupil basically belong to the kidney, the sclera to the lungs, the arteries and veins to the heart, the top eyelid to the spleen, the bottom eyelid to the stomach, and the cornea and iris to the liver. The Spleen and Stomach also control circulation in the eyes. Therefore an imbalance in any of the internal organs may lead to eye disease.


There are a number of acupuncture points around the eyes (basically around the orbits of the eyes which are the bones that surround the eyeballs). The points shown above are some of the major local eye points.

1.      Jingming (UB-1) – Jingming means “bright eyes” and is located in the inner corner of the eye. This point is thought to bring Qi and blood to the eyes and to help eye problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, night blindness, conjunctivitis and blurry vision.

2.      Zanzhu (UB-2) – The Zanzhu point is in the crease at the inner end of the eyebrow. This point is the focus when patients complain of a headache, blurred vision, pain, tearing, redness, eye twitching, and glaucoma.

3.      Yuyao – Yuyao is in the middle of the eyebrow right above the pupil. This point is used for treating eye strain, eyelid twitching, ptosis (upper eyelid that hangs low), cloudiness of the cornea, redness, and swelling.Sizhukong (SJ 23) – The Sizhukong area is located in the hollow area at the outside part of the eyebrow. It is thought to be a point where acupuncture can be performed to help eye and facial pain including headaches, redness, eye pain, blurred vision, eye toothache and facial paralysis.

4.      Sizhukong (SJ 23) – The Sizhukong area is located in the hollow area at the outside part of the eyebrow. It is thought to be a point where acupuncture can be performed to help eye and facial pain including headaches, redness, eye pain, blurred vision, eye toothache and facial paralysis.

5.      Tongzilia (GB 1) – The Tongzilia is located on the outside corner of the eye. This point is thought to brighten the eyes. Manipulation of this point also helps treat headache, redness, eye pain, light sensitivity, dry eyes, cataracts, and conjunctivitis

6.      SIBAI(ST 2) Stomach 2 is located directly under the pupil when looking straight ahead, right on the lower edge of the eye orbit (or socket). It is located about one finger width below the eyelid. Use your finger to gently find the point, you may feel a small notch there. Apply about 30 seconds of gentle pressure to the points simultaneously a few times in the morning when you get up, and in the evening before bed.

7.      JULIAO (ST 3)Stomach 3 is located directly under the pupil when looking straight ahead, directly below each cheek bone and level with the base of the nose. You can apply pressure to both stomach points simultaneously, or, if you are dexterous enough, all three points at the same time. Apply about 30 seconds of gentle pressure to the points simultaneously a few times in the morning when you get up, and in the evening before bed.

Acupuncture points for eyes

Acupuncture & Acupressure points for eye can help improving your eyes. When one has illnesses related to the eyes it makes one’s life miserable and with Acupuncture & Acupressure one can remove any form of obstruction that causes eye ailments.

Acupuncture & Acupressure treatments not only improve the eyes, but also helps to cure the body of other ailments as well.

Mudasser Chaudhry is certified, and
registered to perform Acupuncture in Ontario, Canada.
Call Chaudhry Clinic today at 416-778-1390 or book an 
appointment online.

Acupuncture to Improve Eyesight

Acupuncture points for eyes

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