About Us
About Us
Chaudhry clinic is a Brand Name was Established by services are like Acupuncturist Natural Herbs, Chinese Medicine and Homeopathy Medicine generally known as Alternative System of medicine, and also named as Arabic Medicine, Traditional Medicine & Greek Medicines. It is one of the pioneers and leaders in Canada it is in the sphere of this system which is indebted for its advancement to the valuable & enviable contribution of the great Muslim scholars and physicians of the Islamic era.
Chauhdry Clinic was established in 1970 at Jhelum, a small town of Punjab Pakistan; by founder my Father, a well-known Tibbi researcher & leader, religious scholar, educationist, journalist and social reformer. It was a very humble start but with a profound devotion and professionalism, soon its products gained popularity among the masses due to their efficacy. With the Grace of Almighty Allah, in a very short period, the products of Chaudhry Clinic, established its market among the physicians and the masses. Their demand grew day by day. And within a span of one decade it proved to be one of the biggest units in the country.

Happy Clients
Medical Beds

Welcome To Chaudhry Clininc
Chaudhry Clinic medicines are prepared with the natural resources, like herbs Extracts, minerals and metals. Generally having neither side effects nor residual effects, which is a remarkable achievement of the system, No other system can boast of this distinction. Thanks to the nature and the natural herbal system which serves the humanity in its real sense.
Presently, manufactures more than 270 medicines. The range of these medicines extends to most of the diseases of human body, including the major and minor, general and particular. They are prepared in different forms, i.e., tablets, syrups, powders, capsules, ointments and electuaries. For the production of these medicines, the ancient and modern technology is being used under the supervision of competent personnel and pharmacists well versed in the ancient system of medicine.
The research department of the company concentrates upon producing effective remedies in the light of the principles of the system and modern findings. Persistent efforts of the research scholars for ascertaining the values and properties of the herbs through clinical trials and formulation of new medicines have produced salutary results.
Clinical Service
This service is the backbone of research department. It evaluates and ascertains the findings made by the research scholars.This Matab, as a clinic, has been serving the ailing humanity since the very beginning of our concern. For more than 45 years it has rendered meritorious services towards this noble objective. Thousands of patients have been treated successfully in these years. This department also provides the patients with the facilities of free consultation and guidance through correspondence. Matab, with its unique feature, has introduced, probably for the first time in the Tibbi history of Canada to use their collective wisdom and experience for curing the patients suffering from acute, chronic and complicated diseases.
Our products have found their way in the markets all over Canada. In order to cope with the current requirements and demands of the market satisfactorily, it has been equipped with a well-designed computerized programming. This department controls three branches of the compan.
About Our Medical
Our Specialist Team

Mudasser Chaudhry

Mushar Chaudhry

Mohammad Yaqub

What Our Happy
Clients Are Saying
MashAllah great experience! I am so happy that I decided to get this treatment done for neck and shoulder pain. The cupping therapy was very professional and Chaudhry took his time to explain each step to me. I appreciate the Spirituality behind the treatment also. I felt such coolness during and after the Hijama..
Ali Akram ButtPatient
After fretting over my hair loss for years, I finally decided to do something about it. I purchased Herbal Hair Tonic and oil , within a month or so I started to see progress
Amran SaleemPatient
I am far healthier now at 42 than ever before and maintain perfect glucose control. All because of visiting . Chaudhry. Now my sugars are now under control and all my symptoms are gone! After 7 months on the medications . Chaudhry prescribed me, I had been able to reduce my Insulin to 6 units daily.
Victoria MacMillanPatient