ہما رے سارے پرا ڈکٹس ہر بل ہیں ۔اور ان کا کو ئی سا ئیڈ افیکٹ بھی نےءں ہے۔
Herbal Products List
1- فر یش گرو ہیر آ ئل Fresh Grow Hair oil ۔
اب آ پ اپنے بال پا نچ فٹ لمبے کر سکتی ہیں۔ با لو ں کی لمبا ئی اور قدرتی چمک کے لیے فر یش گرو ہیر آ ئل۔جس میں آ ملہ کا عرق۔ میندی کا عر ق ۔با دا م روغن۔
تلو ں کاروغن۔ اور سر سو ں کا تیل شامل ہے۔جس کا مسلسل استمعال سے با ل لمبے اور گھنے اور چمک دار ہو جا تے ہین۔سکری کا خا تمہ ہو جا تا ہے۔خشکی دور ہو جا تی ہے۔
د ما غ ترو تا زہ ہو جا تا ہے۔اور گنجا پن دور ہو جا تا ہے
– ۔فر یش لک کر یم۔ Fresh look Cream
یہ خعو صی کر یم کے مسلسل استمعال سے آپ اپنی عمر سے دس سال نو جو ان نظر آئیں گے۔جس میں سیپثل طو ر پر سیہپ کا عرق شا مل کیا گیا ہے۔اس کے سا تھ ساتھ کنوار گندل کا عر ق اور سا تھ سا تھ و ٹا من ای شا مل ہے۔یہ کر یم فو را جلد میں جز ب ہوجا تی ہے۔ اور جلد کو کیشلم اور دوری منر ل دیتی ہے۔
3-صند ل ابٹن ۔ Chaudhry Sandal Abtun
قدیم زما نے سے ہی ۔ مٹی کو اور صا ف ستھری مٹی ۔(خصو صا ملتا نی مٹی ) کو جلد کی حفا ظت کے استعمال کیا جا تا ر ہا ہیے۔ ۔اب ہم نے اس کو دو سری نا یا ب جڑی بو ٹیو ں کے سا تھ ملا کر اس کو تیا رکیا ہے۔صند ل ۔ ملتا نی مٹی۔چھلکہ نا رنج۔اور نا یا ب اجزا پر مشتمل ببو تیو ں پر آ پ کے چہر ہ کو شا دا ب اور ترو ہ تا زہ چکے گا۔ابٹن کو ہم نے سیپشل پر ا سس کر کے ہر قسم کے بکٹر یا سے پا ک کیا ہے۔ اس کے مسلس استمعال کر سے چہر ہ پر رو نق جلد صا ف چمکدا ر اور شفا ف ہو جا ہے گی
4فئیر فیس ڈرا پس ۔ -Fair Face Drops
نو جوا نی میں عمو ما چہر ہ پ کیل اور مہا سے نکل آ تے ہیں۔ اور کچھ لو گ سمجاتے ہیں کہ یہ نو جوا نی کا مسلہ ہے۔ اور یہ وا قعی یہ ھا ر مو ن کی گیم ہے۔ اور کیلوں کو دبا نا اپنے چہر ہ پر ظلم ہے۔ان قطر و ں کے با قا ہدہ استمعال کر نے سے اپ کا چہرہسا ف کیلو ں ساے پاک اور شفا ف ہو گا
5۔جوؤ ں کو ختم کر کے لیے۔M.D.M anti lance lution
یہ قدرتی دوا ڈی۔ڈی ۔ٹی ساے پاک اور کیمکیل کے بغیر ہے اس کے استمعال کر نے سے با لو ں مین تما م جو ییں ختم کر نے میں مد د دیتی ہے۔
چا ئنیز میڈ یسن ۔آکوپنکچرسٹ۔ ھربلسٹ۔ ہو میو پیتھک ۔حجامہ ۔
مدثرچو ہدری۔محمد یعقوب
چو ہدری کلینک ٹو رانٹو۔مسی ساگا
416-فون نمبر :-778-1390
M.D.M internationsl (cosmatic Division)
E.Mail chaudhryclinic@hotmail.com Web page www.chaudhrylinic.ca
Phone No 416-778-1390
list Price
My name is Mudasser chaudhry I belong form Jhelum Pakistan. My
qualifications Is that I study four Years homoeopathic system of medicines my
clinic name is chaudhry clinic which was Establish Maidan-a-Pakistan Jhelum Now
I shift to Canada. Here in Canada I have study acupuncture and T.C.M
(Tradinational chine’s medicines) Herbalisum.
Now I open my clinic at Toronto under the same name chaudhry
clinic as I practice more than Forty five Years and I have family Owed formulas
which are trusted and use a lot and have very good results. And these formulas
are not available in market.
Here are some formulas medicines which are made in Canada in
Bactria free environment.
Herbal products & price listHerbal-beauty-products
Heart Remedies’ Heart Remedies’
1 Kalbi- cap
30cap-=30 .00$ Reduce chest stagnation regulate blood and heart reduce angina poor circulation of blood-specially for heart patient. Heaviness on chest
2 Kalada-cap
30-cap =30-$ Reduce blood pressure naturally reduce blood thickness
Promote circulation strength heart.
3 Bp- drops
20.00$ Natural herbal extract reduce blood pressure
Good for hypertension
4 Shafi- cap 30-caps
30.00 $ Natural herbal formula for blood pressure and good for anxiety and insomnia
Reduce blood stagnation form chest
Ghulabi- cap
40-$ this formula is formulated according to guide line of tibb nabvi
And extract of ghulabi this product is specially good for heat patient as a tonic open blocked valve
6 Anti cholesterol –cap
30-cap 30.00 $
These products regulate the liver because liver is responsible for making cholesterol; form this formula it makes LDL and HDL balance
Tonics Sex tonics
1 Noor shabab drops
60.00 $ This formula is designed for all weather and all age of group even those heave high blood pressure and diabetes this is also a nerve tonic and sexual tonic
2 Desi viagara –cap
30-cap- 60.00 $ natural sex booster promote sex desire promote stamina and no side effect this formula good for old ages group
3 Jiryani –cap
30-cap 30-$ This tonic for jiryani ( drops of semen’s come during stool passing or other time this formula give strengths to prostate gland stop leakage
4 Mughlaiz
30-cap 40.00 $ in this formula those herbs are selected who promote production of semen’s promotes semen’s count good for oligo-spermia good for weakness of lumbar spine
5 Shadina –cap
30-cap-40.00 $ Shadina cap are for those persons how have week and do not want to get merry due to this weakness
It is good for produce strong health
6 Oligospermia cap
30-cap 45.00 $ This for ozo-spermia and other problems where semen’s is low and have no sperm count or sperm dead
7 Ut-jin -cap
30- Cap 45.00 $ Old formula which is used by the prices and Nawab now is available in modern research and manufacture in Canada under GMP environments
Skin Health and beauty aids
1 Fresh hair oil
20.00 $ This natural feed for hairs and shine the hair and help to grow naturally and this natural food for hair grow your hair form this natural product
Sikari lotion anti dandruff lotion -10.00 $
Dandruff is main problems in these day this natural herbal formula stop itching of hair stop dandruff
3 Arnica hair oil
15.00$ Arnica is used since long times to stop hair falling this is specially design for loosing hair
4 Health hair tonic
30.00 $ Hairs need the natural feed to grow this formula give good nourishment for hair t roots and hair grow more and make it stronger
For face for face beauty
1 Sandal beauty abtun
10.00 $ Tone up skin of face and reduce spot make skin fresh
And shine
2 Wrinkleen cream
30.00 $ It stop skin to be aged and look younger proper application make you health more younger and face ten year younger
It has natural calcium which give nourishment y to your skin
Make face fresh and glow
3 Verse goori cream
20.00 $ Verse is older and only one natural herb which can bleach your skin naturally. It dissolve any scar wrinkles and make form face make skin fresh and glow
Acne cream
20.00 I stop acne on face and repair skin where pimples it clear pimples and acne on the face
Breastine cream
20.00$ It help to grow your bobs up to two cups naturally ,it stimulate the gland make breast firm and good looking and health and stop to bearing down and make muscles tight
6 Breastine grow pills
60-tab 30.00 $ This is natural formula which can help to grow your bobs up to two inch make figure tight with cream it help very fast
7 Fair face tablets
60 tab 30.00$ this stop acne and pimples form face clear face skin
Stomach liver for stomach and liver problems
1 Gastronil -cap
30-cap 30 $ This natural formula stop heart burning poor digestion and fullness in abdomen it regulate the stomach acid for poor appetite and gases it work excellent
2 Ulceronil –cap
30 cap 40.00$ It regulate acid of stomach and stop ulcer and repair ulcer
It cure ulcer and gastritis hiccough
3 Gigreen-cap
30-cap 35.00 $ It regulate liver and stop inflammation good formula for hepatitis It repaid liver and reduce inflammation
4 Galeen – cap
30-cap 30.oo $ Gall bladder stone is big issue it dissolve the stone naturally regulate the gall bladder a and stop inflammation of duct
5 Hepaleen –cap
30 cap-40.00$ This product repair liver and regulate live function .reduce inflammation of liver form any virus it is good for all type of hepatitis
30-cap 40.00 $
Liver is responsible to make blood this formula has natural iron and it do not irritate intestine and stomach. It have natural calcium which is extract of pearl shell .it can absorbs and have natural calcium.
7 Sugrina- cap
30-cap 30.00 In most case pancreas make insulin and receptor do not responses and do not give or transmit signal .or in most cases liver do not process it. this formula regulate the liver and receptor
Daily uses reduce the toxic effect of sugar and it protect kidney and liver and regulate liver and lower the blood sugar naturally
8 Sugrina –Ts
30-cap 30.00 Tumma is good for appetite and its combine with other herbs it reduce toxic effect and good for stomach.
It reduce blood sugar
9 Sugrina –JK
30-cap 30.00$ Blue berry is very good for regulating the blood sugar .bitter melon is also good for reducing blood sugar .this formula is used since long time with no side effects
10 Sugrina-4
30-cap 40.00 $
Harmal and kharatine is very good to reduce the blood sugar.
We used extract of di-long and specially process no contamination occur with this process
11 Laboob –cap
30-cap 40.00$ This formula is designs for those peoples who have blood sugar their nervous system it general tonic for all patients who are suffering form diabetes and its complications
12 Wahab muglzi
30-cap 40.00 $ This is old formula which have been modified and make under new technology and under GMP
Strength the sperms increase viscidity of sperm
14 Prostaleen
30-cap 30.00$
Saljeet plus cap
30-cap 40.00$ When prostate gland enlargement it give pain in urine frequent urination incomplete urination burning sensation
This combination natural salajeet and other ingredients to make it powerful remedy for all patients with weakness
Joint Rheumatism and Painful Joint
1 Rhux tox co
30-cap 30.00 $ Inflammation of joint and rheumatism knee joints pain
Wind bi pain
2 Arthaline -cap
30-cap 30.00$ Good for arthritis and joint pains reduce swelling and pain
3 Surajine –cap
30.00 $ this natural product reduce swelling of joint and stop pain
Female formula
1 Lincorine cap
40.00 $ Virginal discharge is big issue in these days with women’s .some time it is smelly or egg like or milky type
This formula is very good for all type of virginal discharge. good source of calcium too stop back ache Good tonic
2 Menotat
30-cap 30.00 $
This natural product this stop excessive bleeding form virginal menorrhoea .thread abortion
And all type of bleeding.
3 Athara –cap
The miscarriage between three to 5 month is call ithra this most common diseases in some ladies
This product stop and help the Festus to grow as normal position
4 Menfor –cap
30-cap 30.00 $ this resolve all problems for menses problems it regulate menses. regulate hormones naturally with synthetic hormones’ It is all good infertility
5 Vegoclean
20.00 $ this is dosh that clear all infection form virginal even yeast infection .stop itching and discharge and disinfectant the virginal walls
Talla Pure natural formulas help grow size
1 Talla Hard And Grow
50.00 $ In old time when any organ become week the doctor advise to massage .form massage the circulation of blood promote toward that area it help to grow and make it strength
2 Talla shahi
60 It helps to make organ stronger and healthier
And make it stronger
3 Talla barqi
30.00 All ill effect which come in younger age
4 Talla muhabati
45.00 $ this will give full satisfaction to bother partner
5 Tall madder
30.00 $ this formula make irritation to organ and
Make good circulation toward the penis and when there is blood flow
It makes it stronger
6 Atat henna
30.00 $ Very good for female to make them satisfy
7 Malshi
30.00 Good for all type of pains
