Mohammad Yaqub Mudasser Chaudhry Registered Chinese Medicines Practitioner Registered HomoeopathRegistered Acupuncturist & HerbalistHijama Practitioner Patient Intake Form Name Address City Province Postal Code Phone (Home) Phone (Work) Cell Number Email Gender Male Female Date of Birth Job Details Occupation Employed By Merital Details Marital Status Select Marial Status Single Married Widowed Divorced Separated Number of children Emergency Contact Details Emergency Contact Phone Relation Medical Doctor Details Medical Doctor Name Medical Doctor Phone This is a confidential record of your medical history and will be kept in this office. Information contained in it will not be released to any person unless authorized by you. Health Concerns What are your main health concerns in order of importance to you? Medications Details Please list all prescription and non-prescription medications you are currently taking respectively: Use this pattern M1 D1 T1 M2 D2 T2 Medication Dosage When did you begin this medication? Please list all prescription medications you have taken in the past for longer than six months. Indicate how long you took each medication. Medical History Please list any injuries and/or major surgery you have had and when they occurred: Please list any major illnesses or diseases that you have or have had: General 1(low)-10(High) Energy levels Appetite Thirst Like to drink cold drinks Like to drink warm drinks Quality of sleep Chills or fever Night sweats Sweat easily Allergies Cancer Diabetes Skin and Hair Dryness Rash Itching Eczema Psoriasis Acne Recent moles Hives or allergic reactions Loss of hair Thinning hair Dandruff Other skin problem Eyes Ears Nose & Throat Eye pain Impaired vision Night vision, floaters Ear aches Ear infections Ringing in ears Vertigo or dizziness Sinus infections Nasal obstruction Nosebleeds Loss of smell/taste Sores in mouth Jaw pain or clicks Recurrent sore throat Tonsillitis Enlarged glands Enlarged thyroid Facial pain/tics Headaches Cardiovascular Chest pain Palpitations High blood pressure Low blood pressure Stroke Fainting Varicose veins Deep leg pain Cold hands or feet Swelling of limbs Anemia Easy Bruising Respiratory Difficulty breathing Shortness of breath Chronic cough Bronchitis Emphysema Asthma Wheezing Coughing blood Phlegm in throat Harder to Inhale Harder to exhale Muscle Bone & Joints Neck pain Back pain Arthritis Bursitis Joint pain or stiffness Artificial joint Muscle pain Muscle weakness Hernia Gastrointestinal Nausea Vomiting Vomiting blood Reflux or heartburn Constant hunger Ulcer Indigestion Abdominal pain or cramping Bloating Gall stones Liver disease Jaundice Intestinal parasites Gas Constipation Diarrhea Chronic laxative use Rectal burning/pain Hemorrhoids Blood in stool What is the emotion that you experience when you are off? Loss of balance Poor memory Dizziness Seizures/Epilepsy Concussion Lack of coordination Extremity numbness Extremity tingling Paralysis Infections Strep throat Mononucleosis Tuberculosis Hepatitis HIV/AIDS Tendency to catch flues all seasons? Urinary Frequent urination Urgency to urinate Incontinence Pain on urination Waking at night to urinate Urinary tract infection Blood in urine Kidney stones Male Reproductive Prostate problem Impotence Sexually transmitted disease Sores on genitals Female Reproductive Prostate problem Impotence Sexually transmitted disease Sores on genitals Pain Do you have any pain at the moment, and where is it located: Head Arms Back Front Legs Hands Feet Abdomen Other Specify If any When did this pain start? Describe the quality of the pain: Sharp Radiating Localized Moving Dull Itchy When does the pain become stronger, and when does it become better: Morning Afternoon Evening Night What makes the pain feel better? Moving Rest Heat Cold Pressure Food and Drink Diet Non Vegetarian Vegetarian Vegan For how long? Known Food Allergies/Intolerance: Known Environmental Allergies/Sensitivities: How Many Times do you have Meat or Chicken a Week? Which Taste do you prefer Spicy Sour Sweet Salty Other Which Season of the year do you prefer Summer Winter Spring Fall How is your Appetite High Good Fair Low Do you have any Nausea or distention after eating? How Many Glasses of water do you have a day? Do you feel thirsty during the day? Yes No When you drink, do you Sip or Gulp your drink? Sip Gulp Do you have a sensation of dry mouth? Yes No How many cups/bottles/glasses do you drink, on average, per day? Coffee Tea Water Herbal Tea Milk 2% Skim Milk Beer Wine Liquor Fruit Juice Soft Drinks (diet) Soft Drinks (regular) Vegetable Juice Other Stools and Urine How frequent do you have stools: More than once a day Once a day Once in 2 days More than once in 2 days How is the consistency of your Stools? Well formed Loose Dry Diarrhea It well formed ( like a hotdog )? Yes No Does is it have a foul smell? Yes No Is it sticky and leaves marks on the toilet? Yes No What is the color of you feces? Yellow Light brown Dark Greenish How Many time do you Urinate a day? What is the color of you Urine Clear Yellow Dark Yellow Do you urinate at night? Yes No If yes, how many Times? 1 2 3 More Do you have any pain during urination? Yes No Personal Habits and Lifestyle Do you smoke? Yes No If yes, how many per day? Do you use recreational drugs? Yes No How many hours of sleep do you get on average? Do you feel refreshed in the morning? Yes No How many hours do you work each day? Do you often feel overworked? Yes No Do you exercise? Yes No If yes, how often? In Hours What do you do for exercise? (Indicate activity, frequency, intensity and duration) How is your energy level ( 1 – Poor I am tired all the time, 10 – great I feel like I can climb Mount Everest) : Do you currently feel fulfilled in your sex life? Yes No Do you wish you were having more sex? Yes No Do you have sex one or more times a week? Yes No Do you have sex less than one time a month? Yes No Would you rather eat than have sex? Yes No Are you content and happy not having sex? Yes No Would you consider yourself to be in a sexual drought? Yes No Could you easily identify your erogenous zones to your partner? Yes No Are you able to reach orgasm when with a partner? Yes No Do you have an easier time reaching an orgasm when alone? Yes No Have you ever purchased a sex aid? Yes No Do you feel confident you know the different parts of your genitalia? Yes No Do you know where the perineum is and its function? Yes No Have you ever experienced small tears in your external genital area after sex ? Yes No Do you keep masturbating a secret from your partner? Yes No Do you feel embarrassed or ashamed that you masturbate? Yes No Do you masturbate one or more times a week? Yes No Do you feel inhibited by your body when having sex? Yes No Do you feel poor body image has negatively affected sex with your partner? Yes No Do you have sexual fantasies you have never shared with your partner? Yes No Are you too afraid to tell your partner you are not happy with your sex life? Yes No Do you watch pornography in secret and not tell your partner? Yes No Is sex a stress reliever for you? Yes No Do you sleep better after you have had sex? Yes No Submit