Here are many books written on Tibb-e-Nabawi, but Ibn Al Qayyam Al Jauziah’s book is the most comprehensive, Ibn Al Qayyam was a miracle of Allah’s creations, he lived for 60 years, but had an experience of 1,000 years, precision and perfection of his knowledge on ISLAM & Medicine is reflected in his book on Tibb-e-Nabawi, & we have understood that he has presented the “Diagnosis & Prescription” with curing the heart & soul primarily; prior to treat the physical ailment. He wrote:

Disease & Islam
- • Healing by Belief (Yaqeen) that Allah Has Sent the disease & Allah is the HEALER, & if the healing is delayed, it is by Allah’s Wisdom & Hikmah
- • Healing by Aa’maal-e-Saalehaat, Salaat, Sadaqah, Fast, Quran, Zikr, Duaas & Ruqya, Husn-e-Khulq, abstaining from sins, Istighfaar, etc.
- • Healing by the foods of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam
- • Healing by the herbs of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam
- • Healing by HIJAMAH; which is Sunnah & the best kind of treatment in this world

The relationship of (scientific) medicine to the Prophetic medicine is similar to scientific thought in comparison to divine revelations (to the Prophets). Indeed there are scientific phenomena and medical therapies to which even the best scientist and doctors have no real answers. Even to this day despite the advances made by science and technology, many mysteries remain. The results and comfort of spiritual therapies comes only from faith and trust in ALLAH. They come through charity, prayer, repentance and seeking ALLAH’s forgiveness. They are aided by doing good deeds, helping the helpless and relieving the afflicted. The causes for these cures are varied and defy logical analysis. And the resultant cures cannot be explained by scientific experimentation and analysis. All this is in accordance of the law of ALLAH and nothing outside it.tib e nabvi
When a person’s heart becomes attuned to the Lord of the world, and trusting of the Creator of all ailments and their remedies, medicines which would otherwise be ineffective in an individual who is unbelieving and indifferent of heart become effective,. It has been experienced that when a man’s belief is strong, his body and soul are strengthened and they co-operate in repelling disease and overcoming it. This cannot be denied except by the most ignorant of people.tib e nabvi